Playboy magazine has stripped nudity from its centerfolds. Now, men everywhere can truthfully say, they read it for the articles...
Why are bananas a perfect yellow in the store and, 30 minutes later, at home, start to brown like crazy?
Angela Merkel, Germany’s leader, says Britain could not survive if it left the EU. Let us see. Germany 0-2 in world wars, would keep France, Italy and others while Britain could gravitate to Canada and the United States...
You do the monetary/military math - and memo Merkel while you’re at it.
Ronda Rousey admitted to thoughts of suicide after losing to Holly Holm. This is a life lesson. Do not allow one's career to morph into one's identity. We are more than our work.
Hillary, after getting whacked in New Hampshire, confessed in her concession speech, she’d fight for “real solutions” – as opposed to, one might surmise, the fake ones she had been offering to date.
Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, didn’t mention Jews during his remarks on International Holocaust Memorial Day. He’s either frightfully forgetful or unbelievably dim.
Kim Kardashian is giving tips on how to ramp up that old cleavage and tamp down those old nipples. Now, can someone volunteer to teach Kim on how to get her head screwed on straight? We, the rest of the world, sick and tired of her comings and goings, and staying in the media spotlight for far too long, for fluff-stuff like I’ve just scribbled here, thank you. Tit for Tat.
Bernie, the babe of folks who want “free stuff” - said his New Hampshire victory would echo from Wall Street to Washington, from Maine to California. He added his win proved “that the government of our great country belonged to all of the people... (Except for those folks who work on Wall Street or for big banks, and for Christians, and Pro-Lifers, and...)
Chelsea is the progeny of Bill and Hillary. Chelsea avers she quit the Baptist church at the age of 6 due to its stand on abortion. To Democratic Party fans this utterance is utterly credible and believable. That’s a story for another day. But what is also believable is that congenital lying can be passed down from generation to generation, at least so far as the Clinton clan goes.
Intentionality. That’s the awkward word that Democrat, Steve Phillips, used to describe black poverty. If this word, intentionality, is the best word he can put forward to describe the mostly abysmal progress African Americans have had, in getting their share of the American economic pie, (compared to Asians and Whites, say) no wonder blacks, as a whole – which is how Democrats view blacks – as a monolith – must be slightly disillusioned with their lot in life, and throwing their lot behind the Democratic party. But not to worry, if Bernie wins, everything will be free, and a free-for-all will be had by all.
Or, if Trump wins, everything will be great again – no matter the cost...