We gotta give her a pass - why?
Because she, as we all know, being female, according to the main stream media rules, is not bad or deviant. Only males, unless homosexual or transgendered, are bad and disordered - and that, therefore, a female, even in a power position, a position of trust, honor and respect, could toy with a boy thinking - knowing - he’d be deemed guilty, after dark steamy nights, by the societal, skewed, light of day.
She’s a victim!
The media's agog. One reporter, Marla Carter, linked/affiliated to 13-eye-witness-news wore an umbrella as protection against the glorious southern USA sunshine. Academia, for its part, has got to figure out how to slot this middle-school carnal anomaly into the whole male-American-university "rape culture" meme.
No, making jokes would be improper – but the whole story is a riddle. Actually it’s a bad joke - especially the part about the boy’s parents consenting to the relationship. Can that really be true? Are they complicit in the explicit?
Well, maybe. More about that in a sec.
Here’s an even more incredible fact. Texas is a state like no other. Bigger and better in some respects, a little further, far out, in others. Where you classify the following is open to debate, but the fact is an eye-opener: If Alexandria Vera, our teacher, is found guilty of “continuous sexual abuse of a child” her jail sentence would be, AT MINIMUM, FIVE TIMES the length of that if she had simply murdered the eighth-grade boy - without the sex angle, an angle they dangled FOR NINE MONTHS.
She’s just 24 She could face a few hundred years in the slammer. (Why on earth take the risk? She must have had some acquaintance with Texas laws respecting minors.) She’s been released on a $100,000 bond and, oh no, there is another innocent involved, or let’s put it this way, more of an innocent than her paramour boy - for she’s got a four-year old daughter from an earlier relationship.
So now the toddler’s life will be uncertain at best, and in reverse at worst.
And hopefully the child was a deep sleeper, for Vera told officials most of the action happened at her house.
Boys hit their sexual peak at around 17. Couldn’t she wait if she truly loved this guy – or was it just lust at first sight?
No. Not. According to DomisLive NEWS, the teacher grew concerned when the lad did not turn in one assignment. So educational concerns lead the way to the coupling.
Now that that's out of the way – what’s the deal with the parents? How could they approve of this? Was there sexual abuse in either of the parent’s backgrounds? And if not, how could they approve of this? That’s as far as one can delve without getting too deep into slime and muck...
And what’s the story about the school: Stovall Middle School? A look at their official website shows a mission statement that is a wordy boilerplate piece of bunk – but the “Title 1 – Parent’s Right to Know” has three points. Point three would appear to have been mangled – for how did Ms. Vera slip through the cracks, get hired in the first place? Then again, despite her boudoir proclivities, she may have been a fantastic teacher...Anyway, here’s point 3: Timely notice if the child has been assigned for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.
Supposedly, the boy was taking an English course she taught. So, as mentioned, it wasn’t a love kindled from corridors or the cafeteria that brought the pair to bumping uglies - almost DAILY - it was summer school in 2015 where, presumably like most summer schools, things are more laid back...
Would a person who wanted to prey on young people for sex, enter teaching, or does teaching young folks turn some teachers into sexual predators? Whatever the correlation, apparently Instagram got the, no pun intended, ball rolling.
The only saving grace to this story is (and let’s for the moment stick with birth gender as actual gender and not the gender you feel you are that day) she’s a female and he’s a male – but can you imagine the horror if a guy teacher seduced an impressionable young female? Phew. Thank god that wasn’t the case otherwise social media would blow a gasket and god-knows-what-else would ensue...
Who broke open this sordid story? Child Protective Services – the Texan variety.
However, what may have been the biggest travesty (and for those perpetually offended by sarcasm, or an off-beat attempt at levity, or a poor, paltry try at humor) shield your eyes, close your ears, shutter your kids to this - this 59-word bureaucratic introduction by another involved official:
I, J. Gonzales, am a certified peace officer employed with Aldine Independent School District Police Department. I have reason to believe and do believe that Alexandria Vera committed the felony offense of Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child on or about September 30, 2015 through January 30, 2016 in Harris County, Texas. I base my belief on the following:
That’s the fine, not so fine, print. Could have said it in 26 words:
I, Mr. Gonzales, officiate in such matters. I believe Ms. Vera broke the law, around September 25th, 2015 – a law concerning: Sexual Abuse Of A Child.
Ok, diction, nit picking, and editing ain’t the deal here, but still, 59 versus 26 words begs all of us to: be precise.
Unfortunately, precision is missing in one key question. Is Alexandria a member in good standing of any Texas Teacher Union, such as the Aldine AFT Local 6345, for example? Because if she is, and if this union is like other teacher unions who stand behind their members no matter (almost) what the crime a teacher is accused/convicted of, it sure would be fun to read of their arguments on Ms. Vera’s behalf.
Yet, yet, one must wonder, however, what her father thinks, he being a former Houston police officer and all!