Why the sudden, self-imposed, heave ho? Could it be that he thought he might get arrested if he attended the Women’s World Cup in Canada?
It’s amazing that Sepp was able to rule so long over FIFA, a corrupt cabal of conniving cronies and phonies if there ever was one. Until Sepp quit (and now things might change, for the better, right quick – OR NOT, right slowly) FIFA was audaciously and atrociously arrogant. It had been administered by autocrats who acted outside the rule of laws of most countries, no doubt, and who performed outside the rule of ethics, of decent humans, without a doubt. The articulations in FIFA failings are legion, well researched. Tackled here? Questions surrounding greed and dishonesty.
Basically, what possessed these men to cheat, to sell their souls for extra money, a more lavish lifestyle? Did they really need either? They lived in elite luxury, jetting the globe, staying in swank hotels, wining and dining with peers.
They risked all of that for a suitcase or two of cash?
Makes no sense.
Why kill the goose that, by its very nature of international sports relations, lays golden eggs in lifestyle and B-list celebrity?
FIFA white collar crime was - is - of the rankest order. Our sweaty socks smell better than their sleazy dealings. The officials were nothing more than grubby thieves who had lost their way, to such a degree - certainly in accountability - that the 209 federations eligible to vote, as mentioned - reelected Blatter.
What would the awful-offal officials do with the extra, extorted, money? Given that they were already living high off the hog - would they dribble it out to (and this may be a joke, or not) slum around, fly economy class, stay in motels on the outskirts of town, whilst being billed for their room by the hour for harlots un-renowned? In other words, go retro?
Here’s a possible reason they might “need” that extra, extorted money. We’ve all heard financial tycoon jackasses say that money earned, or net worth, is a way of “keeping score.”
Perhaps they wanted to keep score...
But here’s the problem with that maxim as it relates to the FIFA accused. With these guys, given their propensity to launder money and insist of financial inducements for this, or that, yea or nay, vote - they’re all bald-faced liars from the get go. So keeping score is a joke because all of these men would surely lie about their assets anyway.
There must, therefore, be another reason that explains their greed. One would think it can’t be for the exact money-value of transactions, for they probably were all well off, or relatively so, as it relates to their countrymen, even before they swindled in the FIFA
So what’s an extra hundred thou, or million here or there, going to mean? Presumably, they’ve been at this for years. Why couldn’t they stop a few years back - having enough money to both BS about - and live on?
Could the reason, therefore, they cheated be due to addiction? Are they all sordid addicts, who can’t stop the ruse, game, affliction, subterfuge?
Lest we think that the boyos have been, heretofore, always engaged in big-time bribes (which would be impressive on some level, at least) it just isn’t so: back in 2011 Mohamed bin Hammam threw a $40,000 bribe of $10,000 each to four persons, in a bid to unseat Blatter, showing that he, at least, was small-town chintzy.
As a rule, going forward, if the world has to put up with FIFA felonious finagling addicts - let’s mandate that all man dates with FIFA executives occur if the bribe is as big as the all-outdoors. The sign of skullduggery should be: go big or stay home.
No more $40,000 dollar greasing-of-the-palm deals.
No more shall we hear of pittance payoffs, hardly enough to spur salivation. We want big Kahuna kickbacks, nothing less.
When asked to comment, Blatter blathered – and let’s give him a partial pass, for English is not his first language, on how this affected FIFA’s (and by extension, his own) reputation. He completely, but not surprisingly, given his rotten tutelage over the fetid group, missed the point. He should have not worried about FIFA’s reputation and should have begun worrying about meeting his maker - when he’d have to fess up as to why, and how, he made
soccer, football, fùtbol,
call it what you will,
a sport tarnished and associated with tawdry trysts of graft. Sepp stated: "we are not prophets." This was - is - a rhetorical “straw man” argument of the first order. Nobody, anywhere, asked FIFA folks to foresee or foretell, and otherwise be perfect in every way. All that soccer fans (or most of them) wanted were for FIFA persons to be practitioners of ethics and honesty, befitting a non-profit organization.
FIFA’s main actors by their actions, and inactions, were malignant, so much so that seemingly anything FIFA touched immediately became tainted and spoiled. FIFA was sick, not as sick as Brazilian fans were, and are, about the pasting the Germans put on their men’s side in the 2014 World Cup, but sick.
Blatter was either clean or completely unaware of his murky milieu (both highly dubious propositions) or was wise and wily enough to keep his hands above getting dirty, with chargeable crimes. The guy was greasier than the Clintons, and that’s saying something. But now he’s gone into the good night.
Good riddance.
In the dawn of day, perhaps FIFA can be cleaned from stem to stern. Word is, the Russian and Qatar bids are under review by the FBI.