Son: “Mom, I got map control in my head and I‘m scouting for the Terran armies. Same old.
Mom: “You’re a Zerg, right? Better keep at it, Polt clears six figures a year.”
Son, no nerd: jolts. But only for a sec, because mom and he “know” Polt. They know the 26-year old South Korean, who also goes by the name Choi Seong Hun, is allowed to live in the States because he excels at Starcraft II. Polt in 2013 was ranked 4th in the World Championship Series (WCS) is a terrific “Terran” player, makes buckets of money doing it, and has some of his more er, enthusiastic, fans extolling: “Polt for President – though granted, to be ranked number one like “Bomber” another South Korean, who also goes by the name Choi Ji Sung - is a far bigger bauble than being the President of “cc” Command Center USA.
So, see, our son here is not a space cadet. He’s simply a Reaper-Hellion-Eager-Beaver Polt wannabe.
Polt practices six to eight hours daily, a harder toil than citizens anywhere, save for slot players at Las Vegas, bear. His game is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) affair against an on-line opponent who is trying to overpower and destroy him. One aficionado described it as “Chess at a million miles per hour.”
Basically, Starcraft II imitates all that is good about life: you’ve got your cult setting that deals in mores with scores of militaristic theatrics; you’ve got your incomprehensible idioms, grasping greediness, and a hurry-hurry attitude, with all of that souped up in a winner-take-all mentality. GL HF. END SARCASM FONT.
Terran is one of three races in this game. It, apparently, is a human race, unlike the futuristic Protoss race or the primal Zerg bunch. You’ll need to know right-click and left click and drag because your starting-off six workers must get “stuff.” This game, even though spacey – within its parameters – is about income and money, or at least, in part, about minerals and Vespene Gas.
That gas and those minerals are gathered by your workers to build units and buildings. Get another worker (SCV) or two, because, after all, you have eight mineral patches to be harvested. There’s an icon for SCV creating and training. But like the salary cap so common with players on earthly sports, like the NFL, Starcraft II has a supply cap that limits the numbers of SCV’s available. And don’t confuse rally points in Starcraft with come-from-behind surges to victory in real life. The former are vectors that instruct new SCV’s where to go.
And for Terran, SCV’s must build more and more supply depots, which will increase your supply cap, which will increase your chances to build more workers.
Got it? Kinda sounds like the nursery rhyme: the wheels on the bus go round and round...
To be a star in Starcraft II, you gotta understand the big picture “Macro” aims of building your army and income. (How you move your units, the nitty-gritty, is “Micro.”)
The big and small, tall and short, far and wide of it, is to play in the America World Championship series, now in its third season. It’s complete with announcers who sports-lexicon talk of grudge matches, personal pride, rounds of 16, matches, sponsors, strategies, swarms, angst – and anticipation.
To the newbie, watching an announced match is confounding and confusing. An announcer says the Roach ban comes in pretty builds the same old way every start...and the points amassed for each player constantly change - but it’s hard to see how, or understand why.
But we all understand suspension and bans. Players cheat and hack in Starcraft II, resulting, in this case, of over 5,000 of them being penalized. Still, many who are cheated blame the creator, Blizzard Entertainment, for not doing more to make a level playing field. They feel gypped, buying the product.
Just how much does Starcraft cost? If you’re a soft touch when it comes to a, no pun intended, blizzard of Starcraft paraphernalia, stop.
Otherwise you’ll drain your wallet buying that new logoed wallet, art book, keyboard, Hoodie, poster, T-shirt, and Terran Space Marine Sideshow Figure...
How much did Starcraft II cost Blizzard to make? They won’t say. Though they will say they spent 100 million on their “World of Warcraft” game... As for Starcraft II’s popularity as a video game – well, in day one it sold a million units. As of July 2013 it has sold 5,155,000 units.
‘Cept Starcraft, though popular, ain’t perfect. It didn’t need to swap interceptor for their word, ceptor. Ceptor is a strike-craft. Not to worry Starcraft, we’re not going to go all M4/MMMM on you. That is, we aren’t going to sic our widow mines, marines, marauders, and medivacs on Blizzard Entertainment President, Mike Morhaime.
Wanna be the best in SC II? Here’s what you’ll need in your bag of tricks: Patience, effective analysis, consistent practice, an honest appraisal of your performances, a leveraging of your best skills from your field of expertise into SC, a willingness to practice alone and watch VOD’s, a methodology to work on your mechanics, and an ability to bring passion to everything you do.
In this sense, truly, Starcraft II imitates all that is good about life.
Finally, you might want to have (or perhaps not, if you’ve a family to feed, or other addictions to satiate) this mindset, as put by one pro gamer: “I can’t imagine my life without Starcraft.”