We, the fat, crevice continents by the very act of standing up.
Ok, the massive mortal, mashing our earth into water, is hyperbole - but the 711 million figure and the asserted USA-being-the-fattest fact, are real. The Washington Examiner calls it a life threatening problem, this obesity onslaught, with The States leading the way. The Examiner refers to a study done by the New England Journal of Medicine.
Actually, if we want to blame a US President for obesity - at least as it exists in Mexico, blame President Clinton. Under his rule the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was passed - as legislation, not as a laxative - and since then, some experts contend, Mexicans have been gulping down sodas, and other soft drinks, from their northern neighbor, like there's no tomorrow and now today, Mexico is a heavyweight so far as ranking countries for "globesity" goes.
So what? Should we care if the obese leave us prematurely? Sure, the fat will die first, there will be less of the porkers present, but look at the bright side: the shapelier will be alive – and Charles Darwin can have another long, cool one, knowing his evolutionary theory - AKA “The Survival of the Fittest” - will continue to survive and thrive...
(But let’s not look too hard into the fact that fat people seem to be winning the evolutionary battle because A) it defeats the paragraph above - and B) there is still more fun to be had here...)
Speaking of survive, perhaps peace will reign what with east meeting west in this pickle of the porcine. The above-mentioned study says China and America are the most rotund so far as adults go. Commonality there. A chance for a sharing of ideas...
But, to underscore how much this problem of obesity worldwide is a serious subject, with serious criteria, serious characteristics, and even more serious conclusions, it was befitting the NEJM had its pointy heads reveal:
“We used spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression to estimate the mean prevalence of obesity and overweight.”
Got that? Me neither. But we realize that, yes, obesity is a weighty matter, needing our long-term concern. But on a short term basis, shouldn't we care much more that the intellectuals who wrote the above quoted didn't get: A) It can make no sense to anyone who isn't an academic, rendering it gobbledygook, thus creating B) It, the public, will not be galvanized to support this cause?
Because if that public literally can't understand the underlying rationale that explains the "facts" - the Poindexters' attempt to scare the wits out of everybody will fall flat. If the masses can't understand the underlying foundation, they won't rise up and shake a real or metaphorical leg... What were these supposedly smart researchers and prognosticators thinking? So, definitely, shouldn't we care more, in the short term, that our intellectuals are unfathomably dumb - to come out with such non-soul-stirring language?
Anyway, for decades now, worry warts on the issue of gargantuans on our globe have been hectoring. They've warned us of facts, trends, and reasons behind us growing so huge. And how we, the BIG, have failed their - and governmental expectations. And for decades now people – if our sight of these sights is bang on, have - pun intended - largely - ignored the treatises of plights and pleas - - - - - - - widely.
Basically the corpulent haven’t cared a hoot, munching on fast foods and ordering those foods into bigger portions than ever.
So if we the ordinary folks don’t care, where’s the problem?
Perhaps we don’t mind if we are flabby. And perhaps the main reason we buy those fat loss and fitness books is because, well, it's the least we can do. We can virtue signal to fitter friends and family that we are on the case, and that we mean business. We can also vicariously signal to same that we, HOPE these purchases will buy us some silence from our disapprovers and denigrators...
Getting back to the blame game vis a vis politics and our too-big people, perhaps, in reflection, Barack and Michelle Obama are blaming themselves for failing to get their citizenry to shape up. Remember Michelle's "Let's Move" project? Among other things it wanted stricter regulations on what kids could eat at lunch.
The kids voted with their taste buds, and their feet - tossing the mandated healthy meals into the trash before they, at best, scrammed out of the school caf to find some fast food, or, at worst - went to alleviate noon-time hunger by smoking outside.
Lots of federal funds and White House fiats went down the drain. Furthermore, according to another study, the kids who got - and ate - their meals from schools, adhering to Michelle's best ordered-intentions, grew fatter.
So let's remember, too, that Trump has only been running and ruining the world for some 8-9 months now. The fatsos have been hulking about for a long time....
Therefore, let's say the choice to be a whole hog is a personal, not a political-partisan one. And perhaps health experts should stop shaming us tubbies – for it does no good. Undoubtedly carrying excess poundage is not good, physically for the person, but if that person doesn't intrinsically care, why should we?
So, what is the key to losing fat? Walking, Water, Weight training, Watching what you eat, and Writing of your progress; the FIVE W's!
As for what to eat, whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, or an unreformed carnivore - it still comes down to the amount of food you eat, not the type of food. There are far too many value judgements about what is right or wrong to eat. Eat what you will, where you wish, when you want. If you find yourself loathing the fact that your mirror ain't wide enough to handle the load, you'll figure it out, you'll do something. Leave the protestations about what you are eating, aside. Enjoy your food. Remember to chew it though, and not swallow it down the hole, whole. Perhaps you might ponder about eating just a bit less of whatever you're chowing down on, for if you can't see the plate upon which your comestibles temporarily rest - it might explain your weight...