Shouldn’t be.
Some Americans, looking for deals, wielding violence, delivering deaths, all in their best-deal breaths, are forgetting memories and homilies, of Thanksgiving, a celebratory day, experienced just a scant 24 hours previous.
What gives?
Well, whoa - what a difference that day to-day makes. For, in the early morn, consumerist USA stands and stretches, ready to go grievous, as it seeks, via shopping stampedes:
That’s it.
So the giving of thanks on Thursday gives way to, the giving ‘er hell on Friday. And those “hard earned dollars” of the tax payer, or those bucks received via government largesse, must be spent in a frenzy, to get savings. Spending money to save money.
Bad logic, worse practice.
Let’s touch upon the worst practices of Black Friday’s past.
In 2008 Wal-Mart worker, a stand-backer-bloke, Jdimytai Damour, was killed, murdered, after eager-beaver shopper-savers barged their way in.
We all know Wal-Mart has low prices. Third World prices. Every day. So – despite further savings on this big-price-slash blow-out Whack-Black Friday, are consumers’ financial rewards worth the mishmash and clash, worth the risk of life and limb?
Sure, 2008, when Damour was fatally felled, was an economic nadir for the nation, but even with times so tight, surely the 34-year-old, over-night stock clerk, all 6’5 of him, need not have been brought low by the basest instincts of crowd – a crowd that became a trampling herd...
2,000 shoppers were present, but authorities attributed only 200 as the actual attackers that criminally squashed this fellow to death - for must-have stuff like mouth wash, toothpaste, electronics, whatever...
Hey. Where were the police? Please. (The cops called to the scene had left earlier, didn't stick around. Apparently crowd control wasn't part of their shtick...)
And remember the woman who, in 2011, went wild with pepper spray in the Wal-Mart store in Porter Ranch? Officials have a euphemism for the likes of her actions: “competitive shopping.” Anyway, she nailed kids and adults, in different parts of the store, on different parts of the body, causing sore eyes, skin, and throats, before she made her escape. Let’s hope, before she went on the lam, she availed herself of the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am big bargains on tricycles, Bratz dolls, and Wii video games – otherwise what’s the point?
Strangely enough, some people shopping on Black Friday aren't looking for deals, they are inveterate impulse buyers, immutably, inscrutable, in their wanton filling, via wholesale or retail, of wants and ways. Others shop because...because - they know it will piss off their spouse. And others, sadly, shop, having nothing better to do.
But keep this in mind. Did you know all of our shopping, saving, or scrimping habits are governed, in large part, by our brain chemistry? So those credit card buys - of HD-TV’s, (boxed season series of TV shows), iPads, video games, cookware, are not always logical. The actions of purchasing are somewhat intangible, predicated, on...
Us, being human.
And in a fuss. Toys are at 50% off, for example. We, therefore, put on our coats, we put out our bucks, we pad our debts, and for what - for our young ones, for their temporary, 30 seconds or so, of unbridled ecstasy? They’d be much happier if we gave them our time.
So, are Black Friday purchases the way to go? Yeah, if we can remember to carry, and use, our decency and decorum everywhere – and not carry, and abuse, shopping competitors with pepper spray from nabbing your...potential possessions.
And know this. If you missed Black Friday, there will be another sale, right round the bend.
Until then. Chill. Get a life.
Or go online shopping.