CNN, which has been vexed at the seemingly inexorable rise of The Donald politically, is basically blaming Trump for inciting the protesters – as if he had a nefarious plan to have his own event shut down. Various announcers keep asking “is he promoting violence?"
Listen, if liberals and lefties find Trump’s speech discriminatory, non-inclusive, divisive, repugnant, vile, cruel, stupid, and callous, that does not give the perpetually “offended” and eternally aggrieved - in the name of “tolerance” - the right to prevent him from speaking his mind, wee though it may be. Irony is lost on these demonstrators, some of whom were Bernie Sanders supporters. And at least one slouch wore a T-Shirt “Vote 4 Trump You Get Jumped.”
The protesters, who acted like petulant preschoolers at the University of Illinois Pavilion, are jubilant, having closed Donald’s mouth, at least for an evening – but did they really win? Sure, for a few hours, but more likely than not leaners, independents, fence sitters and undecideds may opt for Trump in support of, if not the various politically-incorrect views held by the Manhattan mogul, then at least for his right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Now, thanks to the little riot, many might conclude the naysayers are simply thuggish instigators intent on shutting down arguments they don't like.
So who, really, is intolerant here? Is Donald Trump wrong to insist that immigrants come here legally? Is it the politics of “division” when he avers that those in America illegally, be deported, for the result would be a unification of a country, a country consisting of Americans only? That he holds favor with Americans over illegal aliens? Is Donald Trump a fascist for recommending that Muslim immigration to the USA be temporarily halted until the States can figure out if some folks from the Religion of Peace are friend or foe?
One twenty-year old student, Kamran Siddiqui, opined “Trump represents everything...Chicago is not.”
Which is just as well - for Chicago is a city rife with debt and rampant with gang violence.
The student’s comments inadvertently made Trump look good.
But we can forgive someone at such a tender age with not knowing what’s what – and we can forgive Democrats Hillary and Bernie for blaming Trump because they preach the politics of envy, but should we give a pass to the likes of fellow-party-member Ted Cruz, who blames the victim, Donald Trump and his supporters for the antics of anti-Trumpists intent on shutting him up? Cruz knows better. He looks like a cheap-shot artist hoping to score some even cheaper political points. Kasich and Rubio also blamed Trump, but nobody is listening to them anyway...they’re just nags way back on the track.
It’s not shocking that a university setting would be intolerant to a conservative viewpoint, even if Trump’s conservatism is squishy at best. The majority of American universities and colleges preach diversity of race, religion, ethnicity, and sexuality – so long as all thought is of a left-wing-liberal-anti-American viewpoint. Academia is, in fact, averse to a diversity of opinions, ideas, theories, and thoughts.
Trump is no shrinking violet and as the talking-heads state, and not favorably, this is a campaign unlike any we've (they’ve) ever seen. They hate Trump because he doesn't bow to their nostrums of no border controls and of excusing the Religion of Peace for every act of terrorism committed in its name.
CNN praised Hillary Clinton’s conciliatory tweet - but it was a pro forma, perfunctory platitude:
We need to stand together against the forces of division and discrimination that are trying to divide America between “us” and “them.”
While the protesters in Chicago were wild and woolly, pundits and politicians, of Democratic and Republican Party stripes, calmly and coolly dismiss Trump, saying he doesn’t have the “temperament” to be President – as though the presidential personality is a cookie cutter deal, and all past presidents fit their preferred mold. Many laud President Obama as a cool cat, but just as many think he only gets pissed off at America, and only shows passion at fundraisers - while the rest of the time he “mails it in” - serenely and complacently - caving in to Cuba, Iran, Russia, and Syria.
Ultimately, however, who can deny he lied when he blatantly and shamefully fibbed about his health care plan.
“You can keep your doctor...You can keep your plan.”
Who needs that kind of presidential “temperament?”
And every Chicago protester, liberal, and lefty would excuse this Obamaian travesty-trespass, would forgive and forget this atrocious falsehood on a subject so viscerally and vitally close to home, literally to one’s heart - and rampage instead against Trump for wanting to enforce American laws when it comes to immigration.
No matter.
Chicago protesters’ lives don’t matter. Trump absolutely won going away in the Super Tuesday March 15th iteration. And he took Illinois as part of his near sweep to boot.