James Dearen writes for the Associated Press. His headline of November 11th was doomsday: How President Donald Trump Will Kill the Environment.
An angry Latino woman said we have to honor the air, then, seconds later, at her protest, a fire-smoke-faced effigy of Trump was lit. Protesters proved, while boosting noise pollution, that they could also chime - not my president.
Impetus behind the TV show, on a faux West Wing, Aaron Sorkin, regretted he couldn’t prevent this horror. Politically-left comedians, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers, did loser-no-clap monologues after finding out other folks don’t think their way.
Some Californians from a state that used to be – 55 years ago – an innovator – want to separate from the USA, aggrieved illegals aren’t feted. Trump should encourage the separation (but be mindful that other parts of California want to separate from those that revere illegals.) For sure Texas will be, as it has been for years now, the beneficiary of California’s brightest high-tailing to it.
French ambassador to the USA, Gérard Araud, thought Trump’s win and the UK’s Brexit meant the world was collapsing, while Mexico is aghast at having countless of its citizens return. International diplomatic and economic heavyweight, Kenya, if scribe Macharia Gaitho is bang on, said the country would have to reassess its relations with the USA.
American race baiter i.e. Democratic Party backer, Al Sharpton, compared Trump’s politics to that of Democratic Party, Alabama Governor, George Wallace’s.
Students and teachers of Berkeley High School chanted “Fuck Trump” as they careened about town. One slogan said “We ain’t gonna stop till our people are free.” Somehow sloganeers, free to write atrociously, and free to exercising their rights as cement-heads obviously, meant - conclusively - people weren’t free.
The Los Angeles Unified School District, thanks to taxpayers, got counseling for distraught (mentally disturbed?) students. Board President Steve Zimmer euphemistically called same “additional supports.” Steve described his schools as the anchors of our neighborhoods. (Did he, unintentionally “signal” they are dead weights?) He was also proud that teachers and school leaders listened to students. Parents, however, probably wanted students to listen to teachers - to learn not “liberal-thought-civil rights nonsense-rot gut ” but to discern non-political laws and theories - embodied in maths and sciences - commonsense stuff.
Some protestors thought it smart to block parts of the Hollywood Freeway the day after Trump’s victory. One 16-year old summed it up best/worst, saying they were “...trying to do something...” The student also admitted to being obsessed with trying to figure out what demographic groups supported which candidates.
The Muslim Brotherhood, an organization some countries define as a group of terrorists, called Trump a racist and said his win was a disaster for the Muslim world. (Up until Trump, of course, things had been hunky-dory for the Muslim world.)
Weirdly, or maybe not weirdly, considering it was MSNBC, that station had a headline on November 11th, that said Trump was either in debt or was running for re-election.
For dumbfounded (certifiable) Democrat supporters, certified therapy dogs – Golden Doodles, Eskimos, and at least one Heinz variety were, thanks go to the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative, Pet Partners, and the Pet Leadership Council AND the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, brought into Washington to walk around the Cannon Office Building.
The University of Massachusetts Boston also served dogs up to simmer things down. An economics professor at Yale made his mid-term optional. Milpitas High School Principal Phil Morales was put on leave for allegedly swearing about The Donald. He’s worried about Mexicans and Muslims.
Whoopi Goldberg said much – most of it as clear as mud:
“So it makes you not want to have the conversation…because what you make me feel like is I’m not — I’m not — what I’m saying doesn’t make any sense when I’m telling you this is why I feel like this and this is what’s happening and this is why.”
Amanda Marcotte is not happy. She termed Trump’s becoming President- a Misogyny Apocalypse.
MSNBC contributor, Anand Giridharadas, essentially blamed white guys for the mess liberals find themselves in. He said white people resented being mocked by the future...and he advocated doing more “George Orwell.”
Liar Brain Williams, now on MSNBC, lamented that Trump and the Republicans now have single party rule. Brian, as is his wont however, couldn’t hold off from lying again when he said Trump won without women or minorities.
Author and MSNBC show host, Chris Hayes, a white guy, accused whites that supported white-guy Trump Republicans as being racists. Presumably they should have voted for white-woman, Hillary. Then all would have been ok. Senator Jeff Merkley from Portland said protests resulted from Trumpian attacks on virtually all aspects from society and declared the vacant Supreme Court seat was being stolen. He also thought deporting 11 million illegals was beyond the pale.
Gotta feel sorry for the Left. They’ve been sitting ducks, force fed through most American schools of what to think. They’ve been borne and brought up in an inculcation of liberal, politically correct orthodoxies. But - indoctrination is not education.
Though Trump, in some policy prescriptions is more liberal than Clinton, he’s not politically correct. He doesn’t believe whites are inherently privileged or inherently racist. He’s got nothing against Christians generally or evangelicals specifically – and this is anathema to Obama Democrats who believe Christians are to be scorned and taken to court. (They really like those from The Religion of Peace, however.)
So now the Left is left as deer in the headlights, looking at the Trump train coming in. Gotta be tough. They should take some solace, however. Their “elites” Huffington Post, Politico, VOX, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CBS (even Fox to an extent) have been humbled and stunned to a far greater degree.