First (favorably for her) she nails it when she says many come to the States for freedoms. No argument here. She then stresses the freedom of religion to practice as being a main impetus. Maybe yes, maybe no, but for sake of argument let’s say no argument here either.
When asked about Donald’s plans for the ban, she first looks downward and shakes her head, reasonable enough reactions for someone who believes that a temporary halt to Muslims immigrating or visiting the States, some no doubt as terrorists in hiding, is the wrong way to go - given that her raison d’être is publicizing the plight of refugees forced to flee their homes.
She seems to equate all religions as equal in all aspects. If Buddhists can immigrate or visit America, why can’t Muslims continue to do so?
Does she not read? Or hear? Or see? The news? To be fair again to her, she does have a marriage and six kids to tend to (and contend with.) Maybe her brain is scrambled. Eggs. Or fried. Take your pick.
Because she’s laid a huge one in being disappointed in a solution, that while not perfect or permanent, would allow cooler heads to prevail and wiser heads to give counsel to a problem with Islamists, Jihadists, and (not my wisecrack) Religion-of Pieces persons and their predilection to blow stuff up and bomb people to kingdom come, whether they be infidels - or Muslims of the wrong discipline.
Oh, well.
Jolie is upset about Trump – and while she is probably very well respected as a mother, actress, UN Goodwill Ambassador, and as a sympathetic shoulder to lefty-liberal booster, Mr. Brad Pitt, he a follower of the Democratic Party – she’s bonkers in her opinion about Trump’s take on – to use Obama’s politically correct euphemism – “man caused disasters – no matter that - as of a few days ago - she was appointed as a professor at the London School of Economics...
Many feel that Muslims will be alienated if they are temporarily banned from the US. Let’s say that is true. Many of us feel alienated at one time or another but we don’t react violently to our feeling(s). So why should Muslims be any different? In fact, they probably aren’t. The inference is that those alienated from that religion may turn violent, or not cooperate with officials looking for terrorist cells, but that seems to be more of a slur on Muslims than it does a wise prediction. (And, if it so happens that some do turn to terror citing Trumps’ proposed ban as their spark, this will more than ever prove his policy-to-be makes eminent sense.)
Which is why Trump’s plan to enact the temporary ban makes sense - despite Ms. Jolie’s disapproval and despite her feeling that his sentiments are hard to hear, hard to bear...
Of course what may be hardest of all for globalist Angelina Jolie to accept is that, not only will nationalists like Trump willfully ignore her statement that “Nations have to pull together” but is knowing - and admitting - that her world view doesn’t even extend to her dad. Father Jon Voight, backs The Donald in his presidential fight.