The media, collectively, and in actuality, would have had a hernia if he had been honest.
And why should Lance have worried about being panned in print and torn apart on TV? President Barack Obama will lie to your face and tell you that you can keep your health plan – and he doesn’t sweat the fact that he repeated this lie many times, and the press got on his case, so why should Lance care about his lousy driving being fussed about? Granted, Barack is just a Pinocchio politician while Lance was a celebrated cyclist, but still. Besides, the American people can be very forgiving if one who errs, shows contrition and regret. The only thing Lance has shown, besides the uncanny ability to prevaricate while wearing a perfectly straight face is self-pity: everybody and their dog were doping, so why shouldn’t I?
Lance has 15 fans, including some family members. If pie-eyed drunk, they’ll admit to being so, and also point out that he was a darn good cyclist, who survived testicular cancer, and who then created the Livestrong Foundation to help others in their fight against cancers. They’ll add he’s an author (but imagine their surprise, thinking they were buying non-fiction as opposed to works-of-jerk fiction.)
Where were we? Oh, yes, now how about the girlfriend? Anna Hansen and Lance have been at it hot and heavy since 2008. 2008, as you may recall, was well before his inflated sense of self worth blew up and left him flattened on the road of public opinion. So she might have been impressed, then, with his song and dance. But now, she seems to have caught his disease of deception. Police records indicate she said she was Armstrong’s wife.
So Armstrong, instead of causing others around him to elevate their games, seems to cause others to lower theirs to ones of dishonesty and dishonor. Why would Hansen agree to such a canard? What does she get out of this?
Perhaps the question should be: why can’t she get out of this? She might love the guy. Stranger things have not happened but hey, there’s a first time for every foible-thing. They have made two kids, a son Max, and a daughter Olivia Marie. They might keep her leashed to Lance. She rationalized her part, saying their family name had been smeared “over every paper in the world…”
Apart from the fact that this is a patently untrue statement (although her assertion is a small-potatoes-nothing-to-see-here-lie compared to Lance’s whoppers) even if the media had done a hatchet job on Lance, why would this have happened? It could not be because he played the media for fools and lied like crazy for years on end, could it?
Lance obviously has scrambled eggs for brains and a fried driving technique as well, but let’s deal with the brains part, for we all have driven terribly. If he had taken ownership of his car calamities he just might have, as mentioned, garnered some heartfelt sympathy.
“Look at poor Lance. His life is so upended he can’t even drive. Man, has he fallen. Hope he gets a break, gets some help.”
But, instead, with his tossing of responsibility, honesty, and civility out the window, he only invokes malice, with his name plastered and lampooned world-wide anyway.
Good move, good call.
And you know what? Honesty pays. Because Anna fessed up she won’t be prosecuted. But liar Lance pled guilty and paid court costs and a fine of $238.50 – he got off easy financially…
Now was booze a factor? Hard to say. With Anna being the front man-person in this charade, police couldn’t or didn’t question Lance after the accidents. So they could not tell if he was sloshed. She says he had “...a little bit to drink.” A little bit sounds a bit fishy. Normally if one hits a car, one stops driving. They don’t press on, waiting to see what’s behind door number 2. But perhaps Lance and Anna weren’t aware they hit the first car – which would lead one to think – if that were true – that they were immune to sound and shock effect. Perhaps they were culturally blown away from the December 28th Aspen museum-art party they came from. (Incredibly, Lance is an honorary trustee of the museum. Perhaps museums don’t get out a lot, read the news...)
Not that we should really care, but for those 15 fans that do, where on earth does Lance go from here to rehabilitate his image, reputation, life? Should he go to ethics classes, learn some A-B-C’s of do’s and don’ts? At 43, he may be too old to learn new tricks but surely he must try to attain some inner morality so he doesn’t careen off the road of life, literally and metaphorically
Does he have a drinking problem, generally? The valet at the museum told police Lance “was not stumbling...” Bumbling, mumbling, slurring, hurling - who knows – the valet said he didn’t get close enough to Lance to tell...
To tell it like it is, about the only truthful remark from Lance this past 43 years is his admission that he’d probably cheat again, if it were 1995, given the chance.
And about the only good thing about his latest crashcapade, this: Tour-de-Fib Fender Bender - is that his kids, as they grow older, may rebel against Dad (as kids are wont to do) and become honest, fair, ethical citizens.