If Bernie Sanders is a sane guy with nutty ideas and Donald Trump is a nutty guy with sane ideas, hey, WTF gives with the US of A?!
Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, asked to comment about the team’s 20-year Super Bowl appearance drought, is optimistic a corner can be turned. “There’s a pony in here somewhere.” With logic like this, it’s a wonder they’ve lost for so long...
Fake, phony, false: the real, true, actual qualities of Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton. And while Bernie Sanders is as scripted as Rubio, Bernie comes off as believable while Rubio comes off as - that’s all he rote...
Barbara Bush, 90+ with her walker, trudging through the snow, stumping on the election trail for son Jeb in New Hampshire. What dedication. What love. What a dodge. For when push came to shove, the only reasons she accompanied Jeb was because she heard Wild Bill Clinton was in the state - and in season...
Speaking of Barbara, she packed the house for her talk. Folks were rapt, stayed to the end, waiting to see how long it’d take before Jeb whimpered for the soother...
Suspending. That’s the new, wrongly used word when American presidential candidates, like Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, and Martin O’Malley, drop out. Get it right. Try, TERMINATING...
WTF, or who the f—K thinks this? “I don’t believe leaders should prey upon the anxiety of the disenfranchised.” Canadian Liberal leader and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau uttered this at the Davos World Economic Forum. As a stellar declaration, it’s not very sharp. What kind of person would kick a person, or persons, when they are down? Ok, liberals strive to keep people down, but come on. Surely he could have hidden this Freudian slip.
But if this statement of Trudeau’s is the best we citizens can hope for from today’s leadership...we are so sunk. How low can we go? Sky high.
Macdonald’s kale salad has more calories than a DOUBLE BIG MAC. While the head wants kale, the soul wants hamburgers, so feed that soul.
Back to Justin. In Davos he touted “diversity” as indispensible. New ideas, experimentation apparently come if we mix all the world’s nations into a big room. Oh joy, after a beer and pizza party, wake up to the United Nations in your den.
Justin also stresses that the future of the Canadian economy lies with the Syrian refugees he personally welcomed to Toronto. So, before the influx of the Muslim Shias and Sunnis of various tribes, of virulent animosities, of vacant homes, and yes, of vicious terroristic elements - Canada’s economic performances, as a G7 member at that, have been found wanting by the new Prime Minister. Bedraggled newcomers are the key to Canada’s effective participation and performance in the Davos proclaimed Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Lastly, the Toronto Maple Leafs are having their 100th anniversary next year. But the NHL decided to hold the All Star game in LA - next year - you know, the place where the STARS are. The Leafs say they are being disrespected. But the NHL, respectfully, replied, get a hockey team, give us a call.